J.A.C.K. (Jeunes Animaux Confisqués au Katanga)
BBee TTHHEE ddiiffffeerreennccee

Be THE difference

J.A.C.K. relies solely on your donations!

Located in the South of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, J.A.C.K. can’t work all alone and needs your help!

To give you an example: to take care of one chimpanzee costs more than USD 1500,00  a year. Today, with the pandemic, and the world crisis, most of our local Congolese sponsors have abandoned us and some friends of J.A.C.K. abroad find it hard to contribute since their own future looks uncertain.

However, more newcomers are on our rescue list and our rescued residents continue to grow bigger and stronger. They need their average amount of food every day (300kg for the chimpanzees and an additional 60kg for the small primates) and can get cross when the quantity of food is not reached…

J.A.C.K. needs you more than ever! Also, if more newcomers arrive, they’ll need attention, love & care; which means there are always extra expenses to cope with in our everyday life!


YOU can support the Primates of the  Congolese Rehabilitation Centre in  different ways. You can become a Member, or make a single donation or sponsor one of our residents.


Please, note that, since it is very difficult to wire funds to the DRCongo, J.A.C.K. relies on its French Charity (LES AMIS DE JACK) and its fundraising page (HELLO ASSO) to collect your contributions. 


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