BERE a story of resilience and hope
BERE a story of resilience and hope

BERE a story of resilience and hope

In the heart of Haut-Uele Province, a tragedy was silently unfolding. Destined for sale, an innocent baby chimpanzee was being held by a woman in Mungbere, deprived of his natural freedom and the protective love of his family. But when the J.A.C.K.  Primate Sanctuary learned of its existence, we immediately decided to act, hand in hand with the ICCN (Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature). Today, we are proud to announce that thanks to our joint efforts, this young chimpanzee has been rescued and is now in safe hands.

When the alert came in about the baby chimpanzee being held in Mungbere, and the terrifying photos received from our partner ICCN, we knew that every minute counted. ICCN dispatched a team of eco-guards to confiscate and retrieve the orphaned cub.

After a harrowing journey on the back of a motorbike, the baby chimpanzee was transferred to Epulu, within the Okapi Faunal Reserve (RFO). However, his state of health was worrying. He was dehydrated, mentally exhausted and suffering from intestinal problems. Thanks to the care provided by the Okapi project manager, Ms Rosemarie, the little chimpanzee began to regain his strength and flourish.

The rescue of this baby chimpanzee is a story of resilience and hope. Thanks to the collaboration between our rehabilitation centre, the ICCN, the Okapi wildlife reserve (RFO) and COPHEGs in Goma, we were able to offer this vulnerable little creature a glimmer of hope.

The long-awaited moment had finally arrived. With great joy, we announced the arrival of the baby chimpanzee in Lubumbashi, where our rehabilitation centre is located. The transfer took place in complete safety, thanks to the cooperation and support of all those involved. However, despite this good news, it is important to remember the tragic reality that led to this rescue. A whole family of chimpanzees was slaughtered, leaving us with this precious baby as the only witness to the horror.

But our mission doesn’t stop there. We must continue to raise awareness and fight poaching, which threatens the lives of many animal species. Together, we can make a difference.

A new chance for the baby chimpanzee:

Today, the baby chimpanzee is in good hands. At J.A.C.K., he is cared for by a surrogate mother who offers him the love, security and care he desperately needs. His rehabilitation will be a long and complex process. We will need financial resources to meet his medical, nutritional and educational needs.

We are calling on your generosity to support the rehabilitation of this baby chimpanzee and give him another chance to live a fulfilling life. Every donation counts and will contribute directly to his well-being and his reintegration into his natural environment. Together, we can give him a better future.

To make a donation or find out more about our work, please donate via our US based charity FRIENDS OF JACK PRIMATE SANCTUARY  or contact us directly.

Thank you for your valuable support and commitment to wildlife conservation.