Dear All,
Do you remember « Chibo », the young bonobo J.A.C.K. rescued 2 years ago in Lubumbashi?

« Chibo » was kept on a farm here in Lubumbashi and the day J.A.C.K. rescued the primate it was to send it to the bonobo sanctuary of Lola ya Bonobo in Kinshasa. This is how « Chibo » stayed a few weeks with us in Lubumbashi before he was flown to Kinshasa to meet others of his own kind.

Today, 2 years later, Shibombo (he was renamed by Lola) is doing great and left the nursery group about 6 months ago to join the older bonobos of group 3.

Yes, Shibombo had become too strong and too tricky to stay with the little ones and that is why he is now in a group of 10 bonobos with whom he is getting on well. His good friend is Moyi, the son of chief Tshilomba.

We thank the team of Lola for having given Shibombo the best present ever which is the chance to live in a group with other bonobos. We miss « Chibo » a lot but we are extremely happy to see him doing so well at Lola and if he is happy, we are happy too!

Shibombo looks really happy and very handsome indeed. Thanks Claudine and Lola staff for caring so well and thanks to Jack for rescuing him two years ago.