GOODBYE little one…
GOODBYE little one…

GOODBYE little one…

In our mission to strengthen the law, we sometimes achieve great victories only to be followed by rescues filled with emotion and immense sadness.

This is what our association and our partner in the field, APPACOL-PRN, have just experienced. Remember the bonobo trafficker apprehended and arrested last week. He is now awaiting trial and will have to answer for the crime he committed against wildlife.

As a result of this arrest, a baby bonobo was confiscated and recovered deep in the forest by our partner, Mr Héritier MPO. With the few donations we received, we were able to support APPACOL-PRN in this rescue action and bring this vulnerable little creature to safety. Right from the start, a nurse was on hand to provide the necessary care, and a surrogate mother stayed by the baby’s side day and night to give him the attention and affection he needed.

Unfortunately, the baby bonobo, despite all the care and love he had received, preferred to join his mother, who had been killed during the massacre of his group. The baby was mentally and physically exhausted. He was wounded, extremely dehydrated and very anemic.

It is with great sadness and rage that we announce the departure of this baby. Our forests are being emptied on a daily basis with complete indifference. Only money matters! This must stop! These creatures and all the others must be allowed to live in peace in our forests, and everything must be done to protect our wildlife and preserve our unique heritage on this planet!

Thank you to the 6 donors who contributed to this rescue and helped us save this victim. Sonja W, Laetitia P, Sara MS, Emma P, Adrienne M and laura L, please know that thanks to you, this baby was cared for and loved. Thank you to all the team on the ground. Before he left, this little oen was able to see that not all humans are cruel.

Thank you again for everything you did for HIM.