The Nursery 2 Project started in 2012 and aimed in building 3 night quarters for the nursery group. These new facilities will be attached to an open air playground and, by means of a tunnel, will be linked to the Nursery 1 area. We talked about this project already many months ago.
C1= Nursery 1 – C2 = Nursery 2 – 1,2,3 = night rooms and 4 = tunnel
End of 2013, the first night room was completely built and so were the concrete floors of night rooms 2 & 3 !
In June 2014, the sanctuary completed the construction of night quarter 2 as well as the tunnel linking Nursery 1 to Nursery 2.
Finally, end 2014, the last night facility was totally constructed !
Living on donations only, J.A.C.K. can’t afford developping the sanctuary since it always depends on the kindness of its donors to achieve projects for the well fare of its rescued orphans. Nursery 2 Project in 2014 was totally supported by the Sweden Chimpanzee Trust & Great Words, the Brigitte Bardot Foundation, the International Primate Protection League and the Zoo of La Palmyre! We really hope to find more funds this year as to end Nursery 2 Project; the nursery chimps are getting bigger, stronger and really need more space! We need to build nests, add water pipes, fence electrically the whole play ground and add enrichment (play modules)…
J.A.C.K. and its nursery orphans are extremely grateful to the generosity of these 5 wonderful donors who helped in 2014! So far our sanctuary hasn’t been given the land promised by the State to move the chimps to a forest area and this is the reason why J.A.C.K. must develop site and improve its facilities…
Thank YOU all, dear donors, for your help but also for your wish to give THEM the best!