J.A.C.K. Primate Sanctuary doesn’t work alone and is a partner of the the DRC Wildlife Authority, the I.C.C.N., to put an end to the illegal bushmeat and pet trades. J.A.C.K. also works together with the DRC Ministry of the Environment.
The Ministry of the Environment seizes the chimpanzees/primates; these are handed over to the Sanctuary and J.A.C.K. works with Congolese Wildlife Authorities of the National Parks (ICCN) for the eventual reintroduction of the orphans to the wild.
What makes J.A.C.K. unique today is because it not only concentrates on the rehabilitation of the confiscated/rescued primates handed over at the sanctuary. In addition to that, J.A.C.K. focuses on strengthening wildlife legislation. Through its Congolese partner, APPACOL-PRN, and in collaboration with ICCN, the Ministry of the Environment and the Congolese police and army, J.A.C.K. supports investigations, confiscations, arrests and prosecutions of those guilty of wildlife crimes.
Finally, since 2010 J.A.C.K. Sanctuary has been a member of PASA (PAN AFRICAN SANCTUARY ALLIANCE) from which for a few years now J.A.C.K. Founder & CEO, Franck Chantereau, has become the Treasurer and the Vice-Chaire.
The DRC Sanctuary is supported by different national and international organisations
Since 2006, shortly after the first arson the sanctuary went through, the Founders received an amazing support from a French friend who, today, still helps the rehabilitation center every month This person is Mr THIVILLON Pierre, the Founder and Director of the park named ESPACE ZOOLOGIQUE DE ST MARTIN LA PLAINE
However, J.A.C.K. can also rely on amazing supporters and sponsors who are longing to be part of this huge adventure of rescuing and rehabilitating lives!
In 2024, our very kind sponsors are:
(alphabetical order)
In 2023, our generous sponsors were:
(alphabetical order)