TONGO is the young chimpanzee male who got regurlaly sedated in 2017 because of abscesses in the neck. Thanks to Dr Ainare’s intervention of last September, we thought the ape finally got rid of these skin issues as she removed both rotten central upper incisives from where the infection had probably spread through the ENT system.

Unfortunately, early May, TONGO developped a new abscess again underneath his right ear.
Therefore, our vet, Dr Jean Claude, decided to sedate TONGO to draw some blood, clean the abscess and take an X-ray of the chimpanzee’s head. All results were negative … TONGO’s health is an issue and we are still working on his case with vets Jean Claude & Ainare…
Also, each time our volunteer vet comes at the sanctuary, J.A.C.K. allows him to bring assistants or vet students to get used to work with great apes. Having his asistants with is a way for vet Jean Claude to spread awareness regarding the sad faith of this species in our DRC forests… These days, Jean Claude’s assitants are Elisabeth, Noëlle & Benjamin.
Thank YOU all for your good work!