WILDLIFE CRIME – symposium on anti-trafficking interventions
WILDLIFE CRIME – symposium on anti-trafficking interventions

WILDLIFE CRIME – symposium on anti-trafficking interventions

From June 25 to 27, 2024, a symposium was organized in Kinshasa by INL (US State Department Bureau of International Narcotics Affairs), ICCN ( DRC Wildlife Authority – Institut Congolais pour la Conservation de la Nature), AWF (African Wildlife Foundation) and JUREC (Juristes pour l’Environnement au Congo).

The theme of the symposium was « The role and implications of civil society and community organizations in the fight against wildlife trafficking in the DRC« .

Community organizations, civil society organizations and NGOs involved in the fight against wildlife crime and illegal wildlife trade in the DRC were invited to attend.

The aim was to bring together these stakeholders to share their experiences through presentations and panel discussions to (1) find best practices to combat this scourge that is emptying our forests and (2) foster collaboration between NGOs, CSOs, CBOs and government agencies to strengthen efforts to combat wildlife crime.

Franck CHANTEREAU, President and Founder of J.A.C.K., took an active part with his partner in the field, Mr MPO Héritier (APPACOL-PRN).

Thanks to all the organizers who made this symposium possible. It was a most interesting and rewarding symposium.