Health Checks Part 1/ Thank you PASA and Espace Zoologique de Saint Martin la Plaine
Health Checks Part 1/ Thank you PASA and Espace Zoologique de Saint Martin la Plaine

Health Checks Part 1/ Thank you PASA and Espace Zoologique de Saint Martin la Plaine

Sedating one chimpanzee, is one thing. But to anesthetise all the 37 residents of our sanctuary is a huge and expensive task!

As a member of the PAN AFRICAN SANCTUARY ALLIANCE (PASA), J.A.C.K. has to conduct regular health checks on its boarders to examine if they are healthy and if they are growing well.

Three assistants from Europe had been asked to come over to help J.A.C.K. volunteer vet, Dr BINEMO. Unfortunately, Dr IDOIAGA from Spain didn’t get her DRC Visa and couldn’t attend this very particular event that had been scheduled since October 2017 already.

So, Manon and Lyna were the two volunteer guests to be part of J.A.C.K team. Health Checks took place from April 24 till April 29. About 5 to 6 chimpanzees were sedated and examined daily. The event had been cautiously organized by founder Roxane; each and every member of the team had his individual part of the job to achive. J.A.C.K. keepers helped a lot although they had to do their daily duties as to maintain the chimpanzees’ routine.

PASA ED, Mr. TULLY Gregg, and PASA team organised a fundraiser to collect donations for J.A.C.K.. This is how, thanks to the wonderful particpation of PASA and its great donors, J.A.C.K. managed to rent vet equipment (scan), could proceed to descaling of the chimps’ teeth and rent a vet theater for a specific surgery (eye removal). All the anesthetisers, the reverse drugs, the implants and the TB tests have been kindly offered by French zoo ESPACE ZOOLOGIQUE DE ST-MARTIN-LA-PLAINE which we kindly thank too! A huge donation offered by a valuable sponsor, Mr Pierre THIVILLON, who has been supportng J.A.C.K. from the early beginning in 2006!

Although extremely nervous, all the chimpanzees of the sanctuary collaborated. Some were of course very anxious while others didn’t care…

J.A.C.K. team did a wonderful job as our keepers had to maintain the chimps’ routine in addition to their participation in the health exams…

Again, we would like to thank Mr Gregg TULLY  (E.D. of PASA) ,the PASA team and super donors for their valuable support!! J.A.C.K. wouldn’t have been able to achieve these important health examnations without THEIR support!


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