High temperatures
High temperatures

High temperatures

Friends of JACK,

I don’t know what the weather is like where you live, but I can tell you that Southern DRC is sweating a lot these days because of the heat (49°C/120°F at some places) ! Even old Congolese people testify they’ve never known such terrible weather. And , imagine what the chimps must suffer with their thick fur… awful!


Chita and Shasa sunbathing after a cool bath

Hopefully, some of the babies chimpanzees of JACK have discovered new water games and some even start to bath just like Shasa does. Have a look at the following pictures and you’ll understand more…


Shasa bathing


Chita (middle) playing with water: he hated water !!!


Seki having a lot of fun in his blue basin



Rains will come by the end of October and will actually be of great relief ! And, maybe, it’ll rain before because the heat is sooooooo horrible!



7 commentaires

  1. Ping :J.A.C.K » Busy, busy, busy…

  2. Theresa

    Hopefully they will mimic Shasa when they see how much cooler it is in the water. I don’t envy you working with the chimps in that heat. But know that I am forever grateful for you and the homne you are giving these chimps. You are all angels!

  3. dee

    so good to see others join Shasa in the water .. with that kind of heat how could they resist. thanks for the update. hope this finds everybody doing good & feeling fine. thank you for everything that you are doing to care for & protect these beautiful intelligent beings.. can’t thank you enough.

  4. Anna M

    That is too hot for all living creatures ! Pics are lovely and you can see their joy in cooling down in the water… rain will come soon and then they’ll huddle together and try and stay dry… All the best to everyone, you are doing a great job..

  5. brigitta

    In Switzerland it is rainy, windy and cold. People says if weather is like this no dog will go out – how to manage this if your dog is standig at the door looking happily for runnig with the other dogs she knows 🙂
    Thank you for all the informations and the beautiful pics.

  6. Speaking for myself, I prefer heat and humidity but I also lived out in Arizona for a few years and 120F is NOT fun. I hope y’all and the chimps are finding ways to stay cool and I hope the nights aren’t as hot.

    Today it’s cold here, around 45F this morning and only about 64F now. I really don’t like cold.

    Thanks for the pics of the bathing babies. Chita has grown.


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