Maika enjoying life at JACK
MMaaiikkaa eennjjooyyiinngg lliiffee aatt JJAACCKK

Maika enjoying life at JACK

Hello Everyone,

Maïka is the youngest chimp orphan that came at JACK last February and she has now become more confident, stronger and healthier.


Her best mates are Santa, Kimo and of course the ‘Kivu 4’ with whom she spends her days playing in the quarantine open air enclosure of JACK.


Maïka’s favourite games: climbing up trees and swinging in branches…


Kimo loves her very much and is always teasing her.


Always in a good mood, this little chimpanzee is an adorable baby. She is very social and likes to stay with almost everyone. I can very often feel she’s grateful to us for having saved her life…




6 commentaires

  1. Fran

    There’s my girl, Maika! Oh, I know I shouldn’t but I would love to hold that little girl just once! Merci beaucoup, Roxanne, for everything that you are doing for these babies. They will learn that it’s a good thing to be a chimp!

  2. paty (france)

    notre toute petite Maika qui était comme une crevette, la voilà déjà une belle langoustine.
    Comme on dit chez nous « elle a repris du poil de la bete » elle a l’air en sante et épanouie, mais toujours aussi grimaciére, elle va rester certainement trés expressive.

    Notre Pasa doit faire encore du poil, nous espérons qu’il va arriver a se faire un joli manteau.

  3. carole

    Cela fait immensément plaisir de voir Maïka et son « gros » bedon!
    La petite était rachitique et là voilà toute rondelette!

    Vous faites vraiment un travail en or!!!

    La petite troupe est vraiment trop mignonne!

    Et comment va « little Tongo »?

    A très bientôt!

  4. Theresa

    What a difference a few months of love and good make! She looks wonderful. I have no doubt she is grateful to be in the care of people who love her and are committed her to well being. This little troup of babies is lucky to have you all and each other. They seem to be forming a pretty tight knit little family.

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