thank you for your donations
tthhaannkk yyoouu ffoorr yyoouurr ddoonnaattiioonnss

thank you for your donations

YES! Several of you kindly responded last week to our appeal regarding the purchase of new strong rubber boots for our caregivers.

Many thanks to the friends below who donated:

Alain Schepkens (50 usd), Kelly Jackson (50 usd), Catherine Mollineaux (100 usd), Christine Cichetti (100 usd), Wanda Harris (25 usd),  Elianne Eychenne (30 Euros), Mathilde & Sébastien Moro (30 Euros), Laurence Duthu ( 10 Euros), Hakim Boudjemaa (20 Euros), Véronique Tessier (40 Euros), Florence Vernadat (40 Euros), Carole Vida (5 Euros), Florence Cazanobe (50 Euros), Maire-Odile Revel (100 Euros), Hilde Olbrechts (40 Euros), Martine Gossot (20 Euros) et Marc Heydens (25 Euros).

Thanks to your wonderful participation J.A.C.K. will be able to offer its caregivers very strong boots and buy extra good things for the chimps & galagos such as fresh apples and oranges coming straight from Zambia and South Africa … We’ll update very soon with pictures of the different things we can buy thanks to YOU all!

Again many thanks for the team and the boarders of our Sanctuary!

Roxane & Franck/ J.A.C.K.

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