Dear Friends,
Chimpanzees are extremely inventive and any little thing can turn into a real enrichment tool due to their creativity!
To give you an idea, when observing young chimps Tommy and Ekolo, both where standing and playing at the pond.
It took me a short time to realise they were using something to drink water with…
… and I then noticed the two little primates were using the pit of the mango they had just eaten! They had broken the pit in two pieces and used these as spoons !
They were so concentrated that even their curious friend Nalia joined them at the pond to imitate their use of ‘tool’ exactly in the same way!
Well done, Tommy and Ekolo! It was very interesting observing you! J.A.C.K. / Roxane
Merci Evelyne – oui, ils sont pleins de surprises et très créatifs! onpourrait les observer durant des heures et des heures!!!
Bravo que vous êtes intelligents et ça je n’en ai jamais douté, c’est trop beau et fascinant. Bonjour à vous tous chez jack et passez de bons moments avec nos singes.