World Environment Day
WWoorrlldd EEnnvviirroonnmmeenntt DDaayy

World Environment Day

World Environment Day, June 5, is the biggest international day dedicated to the environment.

This event has become the world’s largest platform for environmental awareness, with millions of people around the world pledging to protect the planet.

This year the theme is “Ecosystem Restoration. »

If plant species are seriously threatened by extinction, so are animal species.

In the case of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the large Congo basin which is home to endemic species such as bonobos, the mountain gorilla or certain species of monkeys (for example the golden-bellied Mangabey) is seriously affected by the excessive cutting of trees.

This facilitates access to traffickers, poachers who kill massively to supply the demand for wildlife trafficking and the illegal bushmeat trade.

Thus, on this day, everyone must play their role, which is not only to protect any species, whether animal or plant, but also to commit to restoring damaged ecosystems.

At J.A.C.K. we are committed to protect, save and rehabilitate African ecosystems in general and Congolese in particular by protecting endangered primate species.

To date, 81 individuals (large and small apes) lives in our rehabilitation center in Lubumbashi thanks to the efforts of our Founders, Franck and Roxane, as well as various local and international partners.

But the fight against this traffic is far from over! Therefore, engage together with us to effectively restore ecosystems in DR Congo.

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