New facilities thanks to YOUR generosity !
New facilities thanks to YOUR generosity !

New facilities thanks to YOUR generosity !

Hi Eveyone,

Since early January, we have had very busy weeks at J.A.C.K. as two new enclosures have been built in order to improve the accomodation of the baby chimp group and to extend the night facilities of our main group.

building new enclosures
J.A.C.K. had to build more facilities and to improve the former ones

In December, many of you made donations to help us in building new facilities. Remember, 6 chimps in 6 weeks

USD 1,665 were donated last December by YOU, friends of J.A.C.K. on Wildlife Direct. With this money and the extra donation of other sponsors, J.A.C.K. has built a new enclosure for the infant group.

infant enclosure before works started
first steps of the infant enclosure

Which means that today, the 7 very little ones of our project can enjoy life in the open air enlosure AND have their own night facility.

infant facility today
the infant facility today: a night enclosure & an open air enclosure (behind)

The little ones were very surprised to discover their new territory… 

[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

A third enclosure for the main group has been added as well.

starting a 3rd enclosure for the main group
3rd night enclosure for the growing main chimp group of J.A.C.K.

It was very important to build this additional night facility as some members of our main group are getting bigger AND stronger!

3rd night enclosure finished for the main group
3rd enclosure nearly finished

So, the chimps of J.A.C.K. and J.A.C.K. wishes to thank YOU, donors on Wildlifedirect, but also the Pan African Sanctuary Alliance (PASA) and its sponsors, the Sweden Chimpanzee Trust, le Parc Zoologique de St Martin-la-Plaine, tous les membres et parrains de Little Jak Association, Kitty and her family + friends, le Zoo de la Palmyre, BELL Equipment Congo  for your extremely kind generosity.

the 3 night enclosures
the 3 night enclosures

Particular thanks to Cathy R, Chantal J, Brigitta S, Catherine M, Sherri S, Theresa S, OliverT, Jennifer P, Emilie R, Lucia C, Kathy S, Frances B, Gail S, Daniel R, Rebecca R, Kinzli C, Wanda H, Kara N, Isabelle V, Tanguy L, Kevin C, Amy M  & Véronique B – Your help has been very appreciated as works could start!

Santa, Kimo, Dian and Maïka
Santa, Maïka, Dian and Kimo in their new open air enclosure

Merci à vous tous pour vos dons qui ont été utilisés à bon escient puisque les aménagements et constructions sur le site de J.A.C.K. ont pu se faire. Votre aide nous est précieuse et nous avons besoin de vous pour faire la différence.

 A 4th night enclosure has been started but couldn’t be finished as we still need money to continue building. Winter is coming and extra walls must be added to the different enclosures as to protect the orphans from the wind and the cold.
4th night enclosure not finished yet
4th night enclosure not finished yet
J.A.C.K. is an NGO and can’t work without your donations. So, please, remember, we need you to make the difference in this forgotten place of Africa!
Thank you for THEM!
Merci pour EUX!





















2 commentaires

  1. Je me permets de profiter de ce post pour remercier chaleureusement tous les membres de Little Jak qui ont répondu présents pour ce projet:
    Valérie.U; Ghislaine.J; Anne.V; Christine.J; Jean-Louis.M; Marlène.L; Patrick.A;
    Nathalie.G; Martine.G; Christian.B; Sébastien.M; Patrick.Z; Marie.R; Marie-Odile.R; Lucien.C; Lucette.P; Renée.C; Claudine.P et Carole.V.

    L’union fait la force…une fois de plus!

    Merci à tous 🙂

  2. Theresa

    I am so happy for the babies! They now have their own space to play and sleep. It looks wonderful. You have given so many a warm, loving home. Thank you for that! Hugs to you all!!!

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