D day – 1: the abandoned chimps on the way…
D day – 1: the abandoned chimps on the way…

D day – 1: the abandoned chimps on the way…

Dear All,

Tomorrow will be another busy day!

The three young abandoned chimps from Kivu I have recently talked about should arrive tomorrow afternoon with the ITAB flight from Goma to Lubumbashi. We really hope Faustin and the chimps will have a good flight and that they won’t encounter any trouble at the different airports. Franck and I will be waiting for them and transfer them as soon as possible to our sanctuary.

3 youngsters© 2010 MGVP
3 youngsters© 2010 MGVP

But, today was a day full of events. As to prepare the quarantine area for the 3 new juveniles,  we had to empty it and get it cleaned thouroughly. Also, to do so, we had to sedate Elia, Joma and Tika who were still in these quarantine cages in order to move them to a bigger quarantine enclosure.

I was extremely anxious this morning as I hate sedating animals even for a short while…

Elia and Joma fell asleep quite fast and allowed us some health checks before carrying them to their new place.

Joma sleeping

But Tika gave us a hard time! The drugs didn’t work on him and it took a long time before the vet could start the health check.

Tika health check

The 3 chimps woke up in a new enclosure and they now can move and run a lot more than in their former isolation cages!

Elia & Tika waking up after sedation

Another thing on today’s agenda : moving the baby group of Santa and Kimo to their brand new quarantine facility that has been built thanks to your generosity of last December!

I’ll write a particular post on this soon with all the details as the new quarantine isn’t completely finished yet.the babies entering their new quarantine facility

Before I end, I wish to share these two following pictures.

Pasa in the arms of Wimbi

If you have a deep look at the smallest chimp, you’ll see that it is Pasa who is now with the big ones of the main group. He got successfully introduced yesterday and Mwisho, the alpha, now protects both Tongo and Pasa!

Mwisho, Pasa and Tongo

I’ll try to come back tomorrow with the first pictures of the abandoned Kivu chimps


6 commentaires

  1. Kat

    Roxanne, you are an chimp angel in disguise..And Frank and all the mamas and papas of course. Without yall i can not imagine the poor chimps that you have saved.

    I so enjoy reading about all the adventures at J.A.C.K and hope to be able to continue donate ..Thank you for all your labor.

  2. Theresa

    Busy times for JACK! I am so thankful those abandoned chimps now have a safe haven where they can live forever. I am also thankful the sedation went well and the chimps are safely moved. Sedating chimps is always risky and I understand your concern. Thank you, JACK for your dedication!

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