urgent appeal to solidarity
urgent appeal to solidarity

urgent appeal to solidarity

Dear Friends of Lubumbashi, it’s getting quite cold these days and I’m sure you can feel the climate changes too!

Our 39 rescued chimps also feel cold as they are far away from the warm and humid forests they come from. Theferore, we provide hay every night for their beddings to keep them warm.

So far, no hay is left at JACK but a farm located in Fungurume (200kms from us) is ready to offer our sanctuary tens of big bags of hay for the chimps.

However, JACK is a small NGO living on donations only and can’t afford hiring trucks to bring the dry grass to Lubumbashi on Kamanyola avenue…

DEAR ALL, WE DON’T ASK YOU MONEY! We only ask you a favour and we kindly appeal to your good heart and generosity.  Would you have some place left on your trucks driving down to Lubumbashi? Would you, please, be as kind as to help us prevent outbreaks of flu? bronchitis? or maybe pneumonia? You can contact us on following email address:jack@lub.gbs.cd

Thank YOU for THEM!



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