Doguy’s Guardian Angel
Doguy’s Guardian Angel

Doguy’s Guardian Angel

Dear All,

Do you believe in Angels?

Well, I can tell you, they exist !

Last time, on the blog, I asked for help and assistance as one of our chimps, Doguy,  has had eye problems for the last two weeks and… a young American Ph.D. student replied. His name is Tristan. He is just amazing and for the last few days has been moving heaven and earth in order to contact eye specialists.


Tristan also asked the American College of Veterinary Optometrists to send Doguy’s pictures to all US-based veterinary optometrists/ophtalmologists and yesterday, on only one day, he received about 70 emails to which he managed to answer…


This morning, JACK had Tristan’s report on the different diagnosis and  treatment options to help little Doguy and we are now working on these to assist Doguy immediately as the white spot on his right eye has worsened.


Tristan, we at JACK do THANK YOU again  and again for this wonderful assistance. You are helping us a lot and Doguy is most grateful for your kindness and devotion to this matter. You have become Doguy’s Guardian Angel !!!

Also, JACK wants to thank all the specialists and DVM’s who have voluntarily been working with Tristan – YOU  ALL  HAVE  DONE  A  REAL, GOOD  JOB !!!  THANKS  A  LOT!

I’ll keep you posted soon about Doguy’s progress,


10 commentaires

  1. Ping :DOGUY, sedated again | J.A.C.K.

  2. paty france

    merci à Tristan et tous les spécialistes qui ont répondu à son appel. Pour Doguy, il y aura peut etre un remede, espérons ….
    attendons des nouvelles de Doguy dans les semaines qui viennent.

    Paty France

  3. Sherri S.

    Way to go, Tristan!!! Wahooooo!!!!! Thank you so much for stepping up and helping. I know a lot of us reading these blogs want to move heaven and earth to help, and many of us send money when we can, but it sounds like you actually stepped up and did something to help. You are appreciated!

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