More pictures of baby Pasa
More pictures of baby Pasa

More pictures of baby Pasa

Hey Christine C. and the other Friends of JACK!

A few days ago I took pictures mainly for you, Christine C.,  and I think this time you’ll agree Pasa has got more fur than when he arrived last February…


Look at his back, his arms and tummy… I hope you (and of course the other Friends of JACK!) will enjoy the pics!!???



4 commentaires

  1. paty (france)

    sur ces dernières photos la difference est trés visible, il semble que ce nouveau poil soit trés beau et luisant……si Pasa a besoin de prendre encore du traitement, nous lui en enverrons une nouvelle fois.
    Cela fait tres plaisir de voir que nous sommes utiles à tous ces petits, que ce soit pour les poils ou autre chose.
    Mais nous n’irons pas juqu’a fournir chandails, bonnets et chaussettes. pourquoi pas des lunettes de soleil…….

  2. Theresa

    He looks wonderful. His hair looks so much healthier and I notice his tummy is no longer bloated. He looked so pitiful with the bloated tummy and those skinny little legs. JACK has done a wonderful job in getting these babies healthy! Merci!

  3. Christine C.

    Roxane — thank you so much, this made my day! I am just madly in love with little Pasa, and he does indeed look much better…and seems like a realy sweetie too! and hugs to you and Franck!

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