Tongo recovering
Tongo recovering

Tongo recovering

Hi Everyone,

Tongo is doing fine and has still his antibiotic treatment. Maman Angeline (below) and the rest of the team takes good care of little Tongo and sees that medication is given 3 times a day.

There hasn’t been any traces of infection and it is really amazing how fast this little one has recovered!

By the en of the week, I’ll introduce him back to the group. We believe he was attacked accidently and if we keep him separated too long from the others, he’ll lose his place among the others…

I’ll send you pics of Tongo’s reinsertion into the main group and I hope this coming step will be fine…

8 commentaires

  1. Carole

    Contente et rassurée de voir que le petit Tongo va beaucoup mieux et qu’il n’y a pas eu de complication suite aux blessures qui lui ont été infligées!!!

    J’espère que tout va bien pour vous chez JACK!

    J-10 … COURAGE!

    De tout coeur avec vous nous sommes!

  2. Theresa

    Thank you, Roxane! I am relieved and overjoyed that Tongo is doing well. I will pray for an easy and peaceful reintroduction. Give him a big hug for me!

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