Best Wishes
Best Wishes

Best Wishes

Friends of JACK,

We do THANK  ALL  OF  YOU  for having been on our sides for the last 12 months and for having encouraged and supported us. One year ago, JACK was a small Refuge Centre that no-one had ever heard about and we are grateful to WILDLIFE DIRECT  for having given us the chance to blog and to share our experience in the DRC.


Today, our action has been spread worldwide and the JACK Refuge for seized chimpanzees has taken huge steps forward…

Thank you again for being with us,

JACK, Franck, Roxane & the Chimps

4 commentaires

  1. nous vous souhaitons à tous,a ceux qui ont recueilli le 1er orphelin, qui ont pleuré pour lui, qui n’ont pas baissé les bras, et qui ont accueilli fin 2008 le 19eme bébé chimpanzé.
    Que l’année 2009 vous garde tous en bonne santé.
    Que les soigneurs et soigneuses restent toujours motivés.
    la première bénévole, Joséfine, ouvrira le chemin à beaucoup d’autres qui ont envie de donner du temps et de l’amour à tous ces petits qui savent tellement bien rendre le bonheur qui leur est donné

  2. Theresa

    It has been my pleasure to support JACK. Thank you Franck and Roxane for your selfless dedication to ensuring these chimps have a sanctuary. You have made incredible progress in the past year. Best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and a prosperous New Year!

  3. Christine C.

    And a Very Merry Christmas to all of you…I know my life is much improved havng JACK in my life. I hope 2009 brings many, many woderful things to the staff and chimps at JACK.

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