Thank you RIO SAFARI ELCHE for the building of a nursery for young primates
Since January 2023, five transfers have taken place and a huge number of …
Veterinary assessment of the monkeys repatriated from Togo
As soon as the survivors arrived from Togo, our veterinary team took matters …
Largest Seizure of Monkeys in Africa Welcomed to J.A.C.K. Sanctuary in the Democratic Republic of Congo
Trafficking of African primates from Africa to Asia was thwarted with confiscated animals …
Thanks to JACKSONVILLE ZOO & GARDENS for the building of a nursery for young primates
Since January 2023, five transfers have taken place and a huge number of …
Thank You GAIA NATURE FUND for the building of an external enclosure for the swamp monkeys
The swamp monkeys (Allenopithecus nigroviridis) used to live in a group with other …
Thank you, AWI, for the building of a Nursery for young primates
To date, five transfers have taken place and a huge number of primates …
J.A.C.K.: Are species currently releasable or not?
J.A.C.K. has long been a sanctuary for chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes schweinfurthi), from its …
Thanks to the great generosity of 24 GUTE TATEN and PRO WILDLIFE, J.A.C.K. …