Laisser un commentaire You did it! avril 3, 2015 avril 3, 2015 Y E S !!!!!! At J.A.C.K. we are all convinced baby Mata received …
Laisser un commentaire Mata not well avril 1, 2015 avril 1, 2015 Updates on the flu we’ve recently talked about: Tommy and Luna are doing …
Laisser un commentaire postponed integration mars 27, 2015 mars 27, 2015 This end of March we wanted to share great news with you: the …
Laisser un commentaire enrichment = amusement mars 13, 2015 mars 13, 2015 Enrichment toys can provide a whole lot of amusement too!!!
Laisser un commentaire corn, corn, corn… mars 11, 2015 mars 11, 2015 Several weeks ago we said corn was the only crop we could harvest …
Laisser un commentaire International Women’s Day mars 8, 2015 mars 8, 2015 Many thanks to Maman Angeline and to Karine & Sandrine who do their …
Laisser un commentaire mud baths février 26, 2015 février 26, 2015 PICTURE OF THE DAY – heavy rains go along with puddles and…mud! But …
Laisser un commentaire Maya, 8 years at JACK février 23, 2015 février 23, 2015 PICTURE OF THE DAY – young female Maya was rescued 8 years ago. …