JACK member of PASA
JACK member of PASA

JACK member of PASA

Yes, dear Friends ! This is good news!!!

These 4 last years of hard efforts have just been awarded an un believable price : the Pan African Sanctuary Alliance has accepted our sanctuary to become the 20th member of its « family ». Wonderful, isn’t it???logos

PASA and JACK have known each other since the early days of our NGO.  Some of you remember how baby JAK was murdered in September 2006 and how his best friend TOUZO had 80% of his body covered with 3rd degree burns… Well, it was actually PASA who sent us a vet from Lusaka to help little TOUZO….

Also, JACK Vet Jean-Claude, and JACK founders, Franck and myself, have been allowed for the last 3 years to attend PASA workshops and in November 2008 JACK even hosted PASA Vet Workshop. Many interesting events in our lives that make us feel we aren’t that alone in this part of the world…pasa

Thank You PASA for having trusted us and for having accepted us as member  of your huge « Family ».

Of course all that hard work wasn’t achieved by ourselves only but also thanks to the particpation of woderful people whitout whom these 4 years would have been very difficult.  Franck and I wish to thank  (1) our 2 first supporters and fans, Apolline &  Quentin, (2) our J.A.C.K. team and  (3) all the sponsors and friends of JACK who have believed in us since the very beginning.

MERCI à vous tous pour votre soutien et pour votre confiance! Sans vous, nous ne serions pas arrivés à un tel niveau!!!


Roxane & Franck

3 commentaires

  1. Christine C.

    WOW WOW WOW!!! I know this has been a long time in coming…I am not sure there are many more deserving than JACK!!! Congratulations…I am so, so proud of you…getting a little teary over here on the other side of the world 🙂

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