Joma back in the group!
Joma back in the group!

Joma back in the group!

Dear All,

Some good and bad news for today…

The good one is that Joma has completely recovered and is now enjoying life with best friend Tika. Joma was so happy to his friend again that he jumped and jumped all over the place…

Joma running behind Tika (front)
Joma running behind Tika (front)

The bad news is that flu is still around and that sneezing and coughing can be heard from time to time. On the footage below, Bachi was sneezing so badly that even Shasa came closer to have a look at what was going on.[kml_flashembed movie="" width="425" height="350" wmode="transparent" /]

Chita, Kina, Mwisho and Zamba are now sick

Chita waiting for Maman Angeline's medication
Chita waiting for Maman Angeline's medication

 but the positive side of our bad luck is that they haven’t got high fever and that they only sneeze, cough and have a runny noses…

Eddy giving Zamba medication
Eddy giving Zamba medication

Because the main group has had flu for the last three weeks, the infant group is checked regularly. Therefore, temperatures are taken 3 times a day which isn’t a very easy task  when all the infants jump into our arms at the same time to be cuddled and hugged!!!

not easy to check temperatures when all the little ones want a hug!
not easy to check temperatures when all the little ones want a hug! Baby Vida is fighting to keep her place on Marcel's back

This morning, Elia‘s temperature had slightly increased, but we still wait and see. All the other infants seem fine, so, that’s a good thing!

Thank you for reading



3 commentaires

  1. marie

    Quel soulagement et quelle joie
    d’apprendre que Tommy et Joma vont
    mieux !…mais maintenant c’est au tour de leurs copains, même les plus
    âgés ?… est ce qu’ils sont « fragilisés » au contact des humains ? que de travail et de souci
    mais le résultat est tellement beau !

  2. Theresa

    Poor things! A cold can be miserable. I’m happy to hear the babies are well and that Joma has recovered from his cold! No doubt the care he got was exceptional as always. Sending good thoughts for everyone to get well quickly! Hugs to you all and the chimps.

  3. Cherie Bescript

    I’m so happy to know Joma is all better and what a joy it must have been to see him jumping all over the place to be with Tika.

    Good luck with the others. Fingers crossed their don’t develop any high fevers, especially the infants!

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