Updates on the Zimbabwe Monkey Rescue, Building & Rehabilitation Project
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Updates on the Zimbabwe Monkey Rescue, Building & Rehabilitation Project

Remember, earlier this year, the J.A.C.K. Primate Rehabilitation Centre repatriated 20 young monkeys that had been smuggled from the DRC to reach South Africa. In September 2020, the Zimbabwe Wildlife Authorities stopped the traders with their fake documents and the monkeys were stuck in Zimbabwe (Read their story HERE). J.A.C.K. Founders, Franck & Roxane, couldn’t abandon these little souls and launched an nternational appeal to rescue THEM!

This is how, thanks to amazing Partners and Donors, the Lubumbashi-based primate sanctuary brought these little survivors back to their home country, the Democratic Republic of the Congo! Without this incredible support, J.A.C.K. wouldn’t have been able to repatriate nor to rehabilitate at best  the 20 monkeys (provide food, vet care & appropriate shelter).

Today, end of year 2021, we would like again to thank all the following  Partners and Donors for their commitment and generosity in the vaious steps of this important conservation project:

1/paper work , law enforcement & rehabilitation in Zimbabwe, and transfer from Zimbabwe to the DR Congo were only possible thanks to:

2/ the monkeys needed appropriate homes. So, the developments have been done thanks to the great kindness of:

3/ Food and vet care in 2021 were kindly supported by:

Dear ALL, many thanks again for having supported our NGO in this huge project! Still more has to be done (more facilities, food, vet care) as we want these residnts to grow healthy and strong to retrun to the forest!